Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Birth of a Church

Dhel is strong even for a Dinka. He is broad through the shoulders and sets upon a set of powerful legs. The traditional marks on his forehead tell an untold story of cattle keeping, raids, and skirmishes fought with other tribes that inhabit the swamps of Warrap. His early youth as a cattle keeper came to an end and the season to take a wife had come. 

Dhel choose a young woman as strong as him. She told him he would make a good husband but he was lacking one thing. He had no training in the Word of God. She made this a requisite to her entering his home. With his new inspiration, Dhel came to our training. Bob and Nancy Calvert had traveled to Kuajok to teach our young leaders how to communicate the stories from the word of God and plant a church. After a week’s training Dhel returned home to Oun-Abyei. There he began to tell the stories he had just learned. The people liked the stories and many came to hear. The Dinka Rek do not yet have the Old Testament translated into their language; for most, this was the first time to here the story of creation, Abraham, and Noah. Upon hearing these stories more than thirty believed for the first time the truths of Gods Word. 

The next Friday Moses came the my house and said, “Robert, there is now a church in Oun-Abyei.” The following Sunday Moses and I went to see this young church. We appointed leaders and saw the baptism of 35 Dinka Rek who are now identified as followers of Christ. 
Pray for the new church in Oun-Abyei. 

Now starts the persecution.   

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