Saturday, August 9, 2014

All You Need to Know About the Millennial Invasion

     There has been so much talk lately about our millennial generation. We are a unique group of young people and only becoming more unique. We are all uniquely, unique in various ways. That is what makes us different from others. We like to analyze our world. Then after thinking about something for whole minutes we write about it and then look at pictures of cats doing funny things and then back to abstract philosophy. If you are a bit lost, wiki can provide some good info on who we are and how you can better relate to us on our terms.
     We millennials crave authenticity and experience. We are jealousy for a cause and love to make our voices heard. We hold the older generations in high regard because they pay taxes so we don't have to and that is a big help. We love the president because "RT: @mr.president is making our world a better place." Someday we will all be presidents and he makes us feel like we too can also run the country. We have a little more tolerance for authority than our older siblings, the Gen Xers and we think they're pushy and wear baggy clothes.
     We can be hard to figure out, if you are not looking at life from our perspective. We need a cause. We need a rallying point. Why, you ask? That way we never get lonely. We long for something to bring us together and stave off boredom. We did not have the luxury of living during the protest age of the 60s and 70s so we protest because it looks like fun. Hey, why not occupy Wall Street we don't have anything better to do. No honestly, if you don't have a job and have differed on $200,000 of student loans, hanging out with all your friends on any street is really nice. We also have the added bonus that dogs no longer bite street protesters. So where's the downside?
     And if that is not enough, there are children in Uganda that need our help. If we retweet their cause and wear their images, we can help stop a psychotic madman from making them have another bad day. This is only the start. As soon as we can get it together we will [each] start an NGO and save the world. The whales and Tibet are too small for us. We need to save it all. And don't question our motives because that's not very important. And don't question our manliness. I mean how could you question our manliness, we have beards to beat the band. What more do you need?
    If you don't believe us, it is because you don't believe in us and that hurts our feelings. Why would you treat someone like that? We know the problems that need to be solved and with a Mac, ESV, flat white, and skinnies we will make our voices heard. We will blog our way to a better world. If you don't like what we have to say, then don't repost it, but please don't criticize. We have heard enough of that, we were raised by Boomers.
So, if you want our opinions, check Facebook. If you want our input...that is what we have been saying all along. But still, we need you to tell us we're great. If you don't, you are a bad parent even if you are our boss or professor. Yes, we are hardwired to network. You call it "social media" (we don't even use the phrase) we call it communication. Yes, we do value conversation. We value two or three conversations at a time. Face to face is also fun as long as the freely traded all organic coffee has plenty of ice and sugar. You may think we're shallow, lazy, and noncommittal but that is because you don't really know us. I'm on level 871 of Candy Crush. Does that sound noncommittal to you? Who's lazy now?

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