Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Millennial Invasion Part II–a bit more serious

          So much conversation is happening about the “new” generational differences. The Boomers, Xers, millennials, and Gen-Z are understood in the light of social science like never before. The blame/credit lies namely with my generation, the millennials. We millennials are the first generation to write about our own generation in real time. We have become tremendously self aware and ironically motivated to do little about our vices. We know who we are, but we also know that we are not sure we want to be that way. The economic down turn was a huge #bummer. We feel betrayed by school guidance counselors and parents alike. Side note: It is not advisable to take much advise at all from school advisers. That person experienced an unexpected career change when they became advisers. I'm just saying. We are the generation with major trust issues. In High School we were promised that if we got a collage degree we would have a life of security and comfort. In reality, we now have billions of dollars in student loans that we simply can't pay back because we can’t make as much money as our parents. We thought our parents income would be our starting point. No one told us about paying our dues.

So where are we now? We are the generation with massive amounts of energy and confidence.  Unfortunately, our potential is waning as Gen-Z is quickly at our heals. And yes, we are intimidated by their potential, but we still own the internet…for a few more years. We are the generation that cares, but we care for no one more than we care for ourselves. At least we care more than the Xers, but they are still our bosses and the boomers own the companies. 

Millennials we have to get a grip on our generation! The boomers lied to us and the Xers kept us down. Welcome to capitalism. Now what do we do? Well…after shark week is finished, we need to talk about values. We are a culture that has little interest in listening to others, but will we listen to ourselves? We might. We have been fed a stream of synthetic experiences in our virtual world of entertainment for a long time. We crave authenticity. We crave experience. We are very open about our emptiness. We can’t trust our professors or the books they write, but we can trust our own senses. Once again, seeing has become believing. We must quickly plug the many holes in our post-modern worldview with truth, where ever it my be found.              

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