Monday, April 7, 2014

Be His

He is the head of his body, the church; he is the source of the body's life... Colossians 1:18-22

           Our generation likes to talk a lot about the relationship between Christ and the Church. This is like talking about the relationship between my head and my body. If the two ever become separated I would cease to exist. I would be dead. Any "church" that removes itself from the authority of Christ, has removed its own life source. It will be a quick death, but this is not what we are talking about. The Church and the Body of Christ are the same thing. You can't join one and not the other. Christ is not something you put on once a week. He is something that you become eternally. When you are saved, your salvation becomes a bound identity. You are moved under Christ. You are now part of his body, the church. You do not earn this through membership or classes in any building. It is the amazing incomprehensible will of God. Through the blood of Jesus, God brought salvation to you when he brought all things back to himself through Jesus. 
          Through Christ's sacrifice we have been made friends with God. As you read this, it is not likely that you are my friend. I live far away in South Sudan. You could message me on FB or respond to this post. You could even "friend" me, but we really would not be friends, so to speak, no offense. But what if, I responded to your friend request and said, "I really, really have to meet you. I'll send my son to your house and bring you to visit me in Africa. My son will pay for everything. It will not be cheep but you are worth the cost. My son will go to you and bring you to me. If you come to me, you will be my friend." Now, I can't pay for everyone to come to visit me in Africa but God did pay for everyone to come to him. 
           There are many groups claiming a way to salvation, a way to God. But man cannot find God with rules or acts. Only Jesus can bring you to God.                

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